Minneapolis, MN (Feb 29, 2016) — Solutran is proud to announce the Wic Mosaic Project has successfully started processing transactions, making the Texas procured project the nation’s largest Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program processing Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) transactions.
In first month of operation, the Wic Mosaic Project team processed more than 1.5 million retail transactions and reimbursed over 36.5 million dollars to approximately 2,200 grocery vendors throughout the state of Texas. Achieving this milestone was a culmination of an eight-month collaboration between Texas WIC and Solutran which included an integration with Texa’s legacy MIS system, and increasing the states reporting functionality through Solutran’s web portal.
The Texas contract is valued over $30 million, making it the largest contract in Solutran’s history. The Wic Mosaic project includes additional contracts for the WIC programs of New Mexico, Louisiana, Cherokee Nation, and Pueblo of Isleta. Once completed, the project will collectively serve over 1.1 million program participants across five WIC programs.
“We take great pride in serving Texas and the other Wic Mosaic partners. By using leading-edge technology, our teams were able to implement this project phase under an extremely tight project timeline. Now that we are up and running, we intend to demonstrate our service tradition that is second to none,” said Barry Nordstrand, CEO of Solutran.
Texas WIC, part of the Texas Department of State Health Services, selected Solutran as their WIC EBT Supplemental Nutrition Program claims processor in November of 2014. The Wic Mosaic Project was initially comprised of Texas, New Mexico, and Louisiana WIC programs and has since expanded to include the Cherokee Nation, and Pueblo of Isleta programs. The other states and agencies in the Wic Mosaic Partnership also have the option (through Solutran’s master services agreement with Texas) to procure contracts with Solutran and gain access to the EBT Services solution, as all as benefit from Solutran’s volume-tiered pricing.
About Texas Department of State Health Services
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. With 500-plus clinics in 254 Texas counties, the Texas WIC Program serves approximately 875,000 women and children around the state each month.
About Solutran
Solutran is a leading national payments processor with state-of-the-art Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) technology and long-standing reputation for excellence in high-volume payment transactions. Since 1982, Solutran has provided corporations and financial institutions with customized solutions including depository processing, check conversion services, controlled disbursement services, returned check management, WIC payment processing, and Healthy Savings® healthy eating programs across the country. Solutran is committed to developing and providing solutions for the ever-changing needs of the EBT, payments, and promotion industries.For more information, visit Solutran’s website at www.solutran.com or call 888.SOLUTRAN (888.765.8872).
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